Realism and authenticity


So I have 2 hours white space, let’s get this going. There has been many debates, a lot of them have to do with the quality of the writing at length. All media has have this quarrel brought up before, and I have to say a decent amount of it is reasonable, which is surprising in and of itself. So what am I talking about here? Surely you have heard of the terms “realism” and “authenticity”. What those terms entail actually vary quite a bit depending on what kind of medium we’re talking about, but let’s take it slow. I suppose the best range of topics we should talk about is art, so that’s what I’m going to limit this to. God knows what kind of obscurity people can pull up just to make an incorrect point. I’m not going to explain to you what those words mean, of course. You either know them or should go look them up, it’s just necessary. Continue reading